Dear Members and Parents
Would you please note the following timetable is in place and has been agreed by the local authority and our insurers;
Outdoor training will resume on 29th March. We did this during the previous lockdown and should be familiar to most of you. We will give further information on the timetable nearer the time.
Our exercise class on Saturday mornings, for now, will remain online.
Indoor training from 12th April;
As we are classed as a Leisure building (Gym etc.) we can return indoors for adults and childrens training. Our normal timetable will take effect from that day. All information regarding times etc will be on our website and social media.
Please keep a note of the above.
We will be holding a grading on;
Saturday 1st May, timetable as per normal. As we have had online classes and will have a clear month before grading when we return on 29th March, people will be ready.