From 17th May:
Under 18s: No restrictions at all
Adults sessions: These can now resume indoors in venues where adults sessions have NOT been allowed so far.
The rules are as before in that pad work distancing is allowed, contact training is not allowed unless with someone in your bubble/household.
Spectators are allowed but must remain seated, wear a mask and social distancing rules followed.
We already have sufficient room in all of our Dojos to give at least 100cubic feet of space (4ft x 4ft).
We have risk assessments in place for all of our venues including our full time Dojo and our satellite clubs. Our risk assessments have been given to each of the venues and approved. They are also approved by our insurers.
We are taking temperatures of everyone who enters the Dojo. Hands are to be washed with the Sanitiser provided at each venue.
Please follow the normal protocols regarding contact (hugging etc) that is enforced outside of training.
We have been operating a safe and sensible system so far and we will continue with this until all restrictions are lifted by HM Government.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to let us know.
David Wilson
Chief Instructor